Being a teacher is probably one of the most rewarding, but one of the most challenging professions to do in life.
Nurses are the only ones who come to mind when it comes to dealing with people that you are trying to help, but at times their help is not appreciated.
During my sub assignments, I thank teachers for what they do, because in all honesty I don’t think people understand the stressors that are placed upon them.
Teaching is more than just educating youth on their ABC’s.
It is about molding young minds.
It is working with kids who might not have stable homes.
It is trying to be creative, when funding has been cut and the pressure to do well as school for the proficiency tests.
Being a teacher is not a 9-5 job.
Granted their days in the building might be shorter than some professionals, but being a teacher does not stop when the bell rings.
Teaching comes home with them every night as they grade papers and create new assignments; and if you have a family, you have make sure create time for them and if you are a parent that your own child is doing well in school.
Education should America’s number one priority as a country, but too often, education is not treated as such.
My blog “It’s a Sub” is dedicated to the hard working teachers who fight a gallant fight everyday substitute teachers who help them when they need assistance.
Kevin Lockett
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